The Importance of Mindset in Creating the Life You Want (Metaphor & Mindset #2: Carrot and Stick)

This post is part of a series focused on breaking down the language we use in order to help us build the life we want. Language can both reveal and direct mindset and we can take control of our life by choosing words that will positively impact our thoughts, mindset, and perspective on life. Check out more posts from the Metaphor & Mindset series here!

Language shapes our reality, so what does that say about our figurative language? Metaphors can reveal a lot about the way we think. In today’s musings:

Carrot on a Stick / Carrot and Stick*
*There are actually 2 ways of approaching this metaphor…

  1. Carrot on a Stick: a carrot dangling from a stick is offered for you to move forward. Giving an incentive for work to be completed. 
  2. Carrot and Stick: a carrot is offered for you to move forward, but if you don’t choose that a stick will be used to punish you into moving. One way or another, work will be completed.

Word Choice is Life Choice

Words Direct Mindset Directs Life. Perspective Growth Mindset Achieving Success Goals Personal Development

Whereas one approach is focused on the incentive ahead, the other sees an ultimatum. The split between these takeaways has a history pulling from centuries back. If you’re interested in the origin story I would recommend checking out this article by Jan Freeman. It’s a great summary of the information I was able to uncover in my own research, and more. BUT, as with all language the objective understanding is separate from the meaning we can internalize, which is what I want to focus on here.

Quick side note though, I do like that the original meaning of this metaphor is highly contested. It’s like the chicken or the egg debate, but with incentivizing with reward or consequence. Did it start focused on the incentive given, the opportunity and reward for work completed? Or did it begin with putting the work first, offering a bribe or threat to ensure completion no matter what?

What makes the most sense to you? Regardless of which actually came first, the origin is not what’s important. All that matters is what we internalize as the truth of the statement. That is what it all boils down to after all, how we choose to define words and language and use them in our life.

Navigating the Divide

The divide between how people can approach this metaphor can also reveal two ways the population approaches work, incentive, and the inevitable obstacles that arise. Some people look for the good in every situation and work with a positive mindset, whereas others need a push and can view things as negative or against them. What’s interesting is that the same person can experience either of these mindsets depending on their approach on a given situation.

Inspirational Quote Optimist Opportunity Words Direct Mindset Directs Life. Perspective Growth Mindset Achieving Success Goals Personal Development

We are often segregated into groups based on how we think, what we do, and who we relate to. Similarly, there’s a separation between people who are positive or negative, but I think many of us can fall in the gray area, between either extreme on the spectrum. I know I do!

If anything, this metaphor helps to highlight a distinct truth about our lives: We all have a choice. Now I’m not talking about a choice between reward or punishment, but about how we choose to view what we are given in life.

When we are faced with a job, errand, or opportunity in front of us, the idea of a reward or punishment is completely subjective and we can learn to control how our subjectivity internalizes what we come across. It takes time to make lasting changes in our thought process, but in order to have any change we need to choose to do so…Choose to focus on what you want your life filled with. Choose to find projects that speak to your purpose. Choose to live the life you want.

Importance of Mindset in Creating Life you Want Perspective Growth Mindset Achieving Success Goals Personal Development

If you put all of your attention towards what you want then you’ll never be pulled down by the difficulties that try to crop up. This isn’t to say difficulties will not present themselves, but their power over you is limited to what you allow them to take from you.

And when you are always looking ahead you’ll realize that you won’t notice or worry what is behind you. How can you when your focus is on what’s in front of you! But chances are, when you are focused on living mindfully, all that will be behind is a trail of actions taken with purpose, obstacles overcome, and memories to be proud of.

Read more posts from the Metaphor & Mindset series here!