Overcoming Perfectionism: The Truth No One Tells You

Once upon a time, researchers determined that perfectionism wasn’t a positive trait. Why? Because it was often linked with mental illnesses including depression, anxiety, neurosis, and more.

However, findings from new studies has uncovered that the link isn’t because perfectionism automatically leads to these illnesses. It turns out there is a way to express your perfectionism in a way that will benefit your life.

If you currently suffer from your perfectionism, know that it doesn’t have to be this way. Your perfectionism is actually a strength waiting to be grown! Curious to learn how you can change your perfectionism from a negative behavior to a positive one? Read on!

Overcoming Perfectionism starts with a healthy mindset and focus on self-love and self-improvement. If you currently suffer from your perfectionism, know that it doesn’t have to be this way. Curious to learn how you can change your perfectionism from a negative behavior to a positive one? Read on! #Selflove #self-love #selfcare #self-care #selfimprovement #self-improvement #positivemindset #healthyhabits


Strivings & Concerns

It is important to note that, as with all things, there is an upside and a downside to perfectionist tendencies. Familiarizing yourself with both parts can help ensure you reap the benefits of being a perfectionist while avoiding habits that will drag you down. Perfectionism habits and behaviors can be separated into two categories: strivings and concerns.

The habits that have a positive impact on your life and wellbeing are called perfectionism strivings. These strivings include setting high standards for yourself, maintaining organization, and focusing on your goals rather than the pitfalls you hit along the way. A key factor in these strivings is that your standards are what drive these habits rather than the wants and expectations of others.

On the other hand, perfectionism concerns reflect the negative traits that, when they outweigh your strivings, lead to an unhealthy mindset. Perfectionism concerns include getting caught on mistakes made, worrying about criticism from parents and other respected figures, and trying to live up to societal standards.

Where strivings focus on the self, concerns focus on others.

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So basically, when it comes to being a perfectionist…


  • Aim to do your best
  • Maintain high standards
  • Challenge yourself to be better
  • Stay organized
  • Try to avoid mistakes without the fear of causing one holding you back
  • Choose what to go above and beyond about


  • Beat yourself up for mistakes made
  • Focus on your failures
  • Worry about the expectations of others
  • Hold yourself to another’s standards

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Focus on the Positive

Overall, it is important to understand the difference between strivings and concerns. Your leaning to portray one more than the other determines whether your perfectionism will benefit or hinder your growth. Between the two, perfectionism strivings are the positive traits and behaviors you want to maintain.

If you focus on the concerns listed above, it can negatively impact your mindset and your effectiveness on the tasks you take on. It can also lead to depression, anxiety, a fear of action, and more.

Learn to practice self-love and let go of your need to appease others and live up to their demands. Focusing on yourself is not selfish, and your personal development will also benefit those around you!

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Focusing on perfectionism strivings will align your high standards with self-care and wellbeing. In fact, it’s actually been shown that maintaining these strivings leads to a boost in positivity in your life!

Practicing strivings has also been linked to healthy benefits including higher consideration and awareness, extraversion, life satisfaction, and active coping skills. This is because you are focusing on building yourself up, not tearing yourself down.

In particular, individuals with high strivings and low concerns have better self-esteem, agreeableness, higher academic ability, and social skills. There is one area that they are lower in, though…they have less anxiety, defensiveness, depression, and procrastination. Not too shabby, huh?

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Perfectionism & You

In the end, perfectionism itself is not a negative in your life. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your natural tendency towards higher standards! Focusing on the good, the perfectionism strivings, assists you in being more successful in your personal and professional endeavors. When we learn to positively view growth and motivation it leads to positive experiences promoting those very things.

Going forward, lovingly apply your perfectionism towards self-improvement and healthy habits will follow. Practice the positive perfectionist traits listed above and don’t worry so much on mistakes and judgment from others. Doing this will enable you to excel in your chosen path.


Stoeber, J., Otto, K. (2006). Positive Conceptions of Perfectionism: Approaches, Evidence, Challenges. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(4), 295-319.


Do you have tricks, tips, or techniques that have helped you hone your perfectionism into a strength? If so, please share below! 


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Perfectionism is seen as a negative trait, but there are actually many benefits it can give you. Overcoming Perfectionism starts with understanding how it relates to your self-care and overall wellbeing. Click to read the full post on dawningperspective.com and take control of your mindset today! #Selflove #self-love #selfcare #self-care #selfimprovement #self-improvement #positivemindset #healthyhabits