I created Dawning Perspective as a place for others to learn and gain inspiration and motivation to create the lives they are called to live. We are all worthy of living our best life, and deserve to be supported on our Journey.

Dawning Perspective is your safe space to explore personal growth, mindset development, and spiritual awakening. It is where you can engage at the level that you want, when you want.

You can read the blog or check out the shop for tools to support you individually. I also have free resources for you to download and coaching programs and group workshops for you to join throughout the year!

Aside from all of this, I provide one-on-one coaching. When you are ready, I’m here for you.

Hi, I’m Alyssa Dawn.

I’m a mindset & life coach and reiki practitioner who empowers both men and women to lead a happy and fulfilled life by focusing on creating a healthy mindset, one thought at a time.

I believe that imagination creates reality, and perception shapes it. The road to a healthy mindset and fulfilling life is through strengthening and balancing our logic with our intuition.

These days, I focus on balancing all areas of my life and living in alignment with my values and beliefs. However, this wasn’t always the case.

How I Got Here

My understanding and acceptance of myself was learned through past experiences. For most of my younger life, I was ruled by fear.

The fear of the unknown, the fear of rejection, of judgment… and eventually I realized that all of these fears were only a manifest of one fear in particular – that I was unworthy.

My Wakeup Moment

There is not a single instance in my life, but many that empowered me to heal my self image and esteem.

I’ve had multiple moments of awakening, each taking me one step closer to what makes me, me.

But before those epiphanies and a-ha moments, I experienced years of repression and depression while living in a toxic home environment.

Doing the Inner Work

I’ve spent the last decade of my life spanning education, relationships, career changes, and more, focusing on my personal growth and learning from different sources. Meditation, mindfulness, psychology, linguistics, the law of attraction, reiki, and more.

I opened myself up to these different perspectives and modalities and in the process I found what helps me gain clarity and alignment with my purpose and calling. In identifying the key skills for navigating the path to personal growth, I discovered that it all starts with your mindset.

From Surviving to Thriving

As a means of survival, I learned to keep my Self hidden and adopted the image and labels others gave me. I let them tell me who I was and what I should do rather than listen to my inner voice.

As a result, my mental and emotional blocks became physical ones as well. My body developed health issues from my lack of processing the emotional pain and forced persona.

Things only turned around when I made the choice to make it so. My inner work was not a single course, class, or period in my life. In fact, it’s still ongoing.

Once I Chose to Live My Truth…

  • I felt emotions but was not ruled by them
  • I met people who disagreed with me but was not left broken
  • Happiness & fulfillment were no longer a goal I was working towards, but companions on my life path
  • Fear was no longer an obstacle, but an indicator that something new was around the corner
  • I learned that embracing vulnerability is not where I fall apart, but become whole.


The Life Balance Workbook

All great adventures start with a single step. When it comes to getting to know yourself, the first step is the gain awareness on where you currently are in life.

Download and use this free Life Balance Workbook to understand how you can prioritize and align your main life areas with your values, and how to create a life vision to lead you to your most fulfilled life.


I am accepting new clients! Schedule your free consultation with me today.

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Alyssa Dawn is a mindset & life coach and reiki practitioner who empowers individuals to lead a healthy life by focusing on creating a healthy mindset, one thought at a time. Through her practice she teaches both men and women how to take control of their thought process to remove limiting beliefs, gain clarity, and embrace their truth and life purpose.

Known for her soul-centered yet analytical approach, Alyssa’s transformative work is all about inspiring self-confidence, strengthening your inner wisdom, learning to accept your truth and worth, and aligning with your core values and purpose.

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