The Dark Reality About Becoming Happy

If you search for happiness how-to’s and quotes, chances are brightly colored, inspiring images and infographics will fill the screen. They’re pretty, positive, and oh so perfect at outlining how easy it can be to be happy wherever and whenever you want.

These short quotes, lists and how-to’s are easy to consume and speak to our want of instant gratification. They are very effective for turning around bad days by providing a new outlook on a tough situation. But how deep do they dig to permanently plant true happiness into our way of life?


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Planting the Seed

At their root, many how-to’s approach achieving happiness through reprogramming and conditioning. “Do this long enough, and happiness will become a natural part of your mindset.” I’ve even posted recently on this very topic, 15 Ways to Make Happiness a Habit, but felt it necessary to delve further down the happiness rabbit hole. I want to provide a more thorough view often overlooked when talking about getting happy.

Many motivational quotes refer to the strength you need in order to attain the life you want. They say your strength is found within. And wouldn’t you know, everything else you need to live your best life is already in your possession! BUT — if that’s the case, why are so many of us looking without in order to feel good within? Could it be that the good qualities we carry within isn’t enough on its own?

Recommended: Self-Acceptance: Seeing the Strength in Your Flaws


It Isn’t All Sunshine and Rainbows

I don’t know if anyone else can relate, but the inside of my mind used to be a very scary place, and sometimes still is. It isn’t just strength and grace in there. It can be a minefield of worries, insecurities, and hurt from past traumas. At its worst, I have no idea how to navigate in there and am still figuring it out as I go.

The bright, optimistic posts are excellent in providing motivation and showing how easy it can be to introduce good vibes into your daily life…but it can only do so much in making a change in your perspective on life when there’s a lot of unprocessed emotion and pain buried there.

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True happiness is NOT a bandaid or some shiny top coat. No matter how hard you try, happiness can’t gloss out the pain underneath. (Side note, I think that what people are actually after isn’t happiness…but that’s a topic for another day!)

True happiness comes to us when we dig deep and overcome the hardships and struggles in our life. You can become happy by embracing all parts of your Self through personal development and growth.


Permanent Positive Change

In order to make lasting change in our lifestyle and mindset, I truly believe we need to scrape out the gunk that’s been built up underneath, clean out the foundation of our life, and rebuild through conscious effort and self-awareness.

This isn’t usually what people want to hear…and can seem backwards. Dredging up painful memories and going back and revisiting potentially scarring situations are not things easily defined in an afternoon’s to-do list and can take months, years, or even decades to fully process.

Inspiration Quote. Personal Development. Growth Mindset. Achieving Goals

But even with how daunting it may seem at the beginning, if we don’t allow ourselves time to process the hurt we are carrying, we will continue to carry it with us.

Your growth and healing can take any shape and any amount of time since every person has a different experience, so don’t compare your journey to another’s. You are the product of a complex equation made up of your unique life experiences so no one’s cheat sheet will be a perfect fit for you. But even with this, please know that you are not alone.

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Personal growth can feel isolating at times, but it is possible to grow ourselves while being connected with others. Surround yourself with people, activities, and things that promote what and who you want to be, and provide support and love to others the way you would like to receive it as well.

Every journey starts with a first step, so why not make that step with purpose? Choose to make your move, be open to where it may take you, and express gratitude for what you uncover.

Safe travels, my friend.


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